This is the worst thing I have downloaded. Not only is it is waste of money, if it were free it would be crap. "Codesign" ??? This is an example of how not to write code from 1982. The words you do find are not hyperlinked to their actual definitions. How hard would that be ? You get a few meanings and to best understand them, you should be able to see their definitions. Look up "lo", a very common spanish word. Of course, it is not listed. Instead, you can find "Louis Armstrong", as well as "Satchmo". Exactly, why should a spanish dictionary have this instead of actual spanish words ? You can find "loki" (a norse god), but not "mejor" or "hay" which are frequently used words. I was under the mistaken impression this would interface with the translator they publish. Wrong. It is a stand alone, meaning it cant do phrases. The wonderful apple spellcheck also should be turned off in this. Since spellcheck assumes you are writing in english, it tries to autocorrect spanish. Extra finger pushing is required to look up the word you actually wish to type. Why not turn it off ? I have not written a review for any of the applications I have either bought or downloaded for free, but this is so bad, I felt I had to warn the unsuspecting to avoid.
tomviolence about Spanish-English Translation Dictionary